
$30.00 every month

Delhi, named after the city, is our newest resident and has been here about a month now. A friend of ours found her wandering around a farm neighborhood and no one claimed her when he tried to find her owner. He became concerned that if the neighboring farmer ended up taking her since no one would, her fate might not be kind. Wanting to ensure her safety, he reached out to us, knowing she'd have a good life at Sage Mountain.

Delhi loves exploring the sanctuary with the other hens and Joey the rooster. She also adores taking naps in the shade of the bushes and having a new family that loves her.  

Become Delhi's Sponsor!

Delhi, named after the city, is our newest resident and has been here about a month now. A friend of ours found her wandering around a farm neighborhood and no one claimed her when he tried to find her owner. He became concerned that if the neighboring farmer ended up taking her since no one would, her fate might not be kind. Wanting to ensure her safety, he reached out to us, knowing she'd have a good life at Sage Mountain.

Delhi loves exploring the sanctuary with the other hens and Joey the rooster. She also adores taking naps in the shade of the bushes and having a new family that loves her.  

Delhi, named after the city, is our newest resident and has been here about a month now. A friend of ours found her wandering around a farm neighborhood and no one claimed her when he tried to find her owner. He became concerned that if the neighboring farmer ended up taking her since no one would, her fate might not be kind. Wanting to ensure her safety, he reached out to us, knowing she'd have a good life at Sage Mountain.

Delhi loves exploring the sanctuary with the other hens and Joey the rooster. She also adores taking naps in the shade of the bushes and having a new family that loves her.